Welcome to itsyourmap Documentation

Documentation welcoming picture of itsyourmap



1. This field shows how many maps you have.

Step 1 image

2. This field shows the total number of markers on your maps.

Step 2 image

3. This field shows the number of clicks on your maps.

Step 3 image

4. That's it. You're done.

Step 4 image

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1. This page shows various statistics for your maps.

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2. Here you can see for which of your maps the statistics are shown.

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3. You can switch between your maps here.

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4. This table shows the historical click-through rates of your markers on the map.

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5. This button contains options to view and download your table in different formats.

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6. You can download your table in many different formats.

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7. Here you will find numerical statistics about which of your markers is clicked and how many times.

Step 7 image

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1. Maps tab is a page where you can perform operations related to your maps.

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2. Click here to open the tab for adding new maps.

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3. Enter the name of your map here.

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4. Press the Create button and your map will be created!

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5. Here you can see a list of the maps you have created.

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6. The options here are necessary for you to be directed to the page related to what you want to do with your map.

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7. You can make all kinds of settings related to the map by pressing this button.

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8. It is enough to press this button to go to the list of the markers of the relevant map.

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9. This button allows you to see the appearance of your map without leaving the dashboard.

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10. By clicking this button, you can make settings related to the sharing and appearance of your map.

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11. With this button permanently you can delete your map.

Step 11 image

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Edit Map


1. You can make all changes related to your map from the map editing page.

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2. Do not forget to click the save button after each change.

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3. Here it is written which map information is shown. You can also edit the name of your map here.

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4. The question marks next to the settings explain what that setting does.

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5. You must tick the box to switch the setting on and off. Do not forget to save it after changing.

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6. Here you can set a logo that represents or identifies your map.

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7. Here you can set the colour, size and type of markers on your map.

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8. Here you can set the theme colour and font to be used on your map.

Step 8 image

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1. The Markers page lists about markers on maps.

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2. Here you can see which map markers you are looking at.

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3. From here you can change the map whose markers you want to see.

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4. You can use this option when you will delete markers in bulk.

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5. This table provides a list where you can see the markers on the map.

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6. You can edit about that marker by clicking on the marker line.

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7. You can duplicate the marker with this button.

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8. You can delete the marker from this button.

Step 8 image

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1. Connections are a feature that connects two markers.

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2. Select the map where you want to see the connections.

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3. Press the add connection button to add a connection.

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4. Select the first marker you want to connect.

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5. Select the second marker you want to connect.

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6. You can specify the colour of the connecting line.

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7. Type the title that will appear when the connection is pressed.

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8. Write a description of the connection.

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9. Create the connection by pressing the Add button.

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10. Here you can see the links you have created and edit them by clicking on them.

Step 10 image

11. This is how your connection will appear on your map.

Step 11 image

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1. Geometries allow you to draw geometric shapes on your map.

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2. Here you need to select the map where you will use the geometries.

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3. In this menu you can select the geometric shapes you can use by clicking on them. After clicking, you can start creating the shapes by clicking on the map.

Step 3 image

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1. The Categories page allows you to create categories in which you can categorise your markers.

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2. Select here which map's markers you want to categorise.

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3. You can add categories by pressing the Add category button.

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4. Type your category name.

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5. If you want to create a subcategory of a category, select the parent category here.

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6. Tick if you want this category to be the default category when creating markers.

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7. Create your category by pressing the Add button.

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8. Your newly created category and all the rest of your categories are listed here. You can edit them by pressing them.

Step 8 image

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Icon Library


1. You can create your customised icon library for your maps.

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2. You can create your customised icon library for your maps.

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3. Upload the icon you want to use on your map here.

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4. After uploading, your icon will appear here.

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5. As you can see, our uploaded icon appeared here. Now we can use it on our map.

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6. You can delete the icons you do not want by pressing on them.

Step 6 image

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1. Comments to markers on your map are listed here.

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2. Here you can select which map you want to see comments for.

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3. Information about the comments made is displayed here.

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4. You can delete the comment by pressing the Delete button.

Step 4 image

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1. Preview allows you to view your maps without leaving the dashboard.

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2. Here you can select the map you want to view.

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3. Here your map will be displayed with all its functions.

Step 3 image

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1. On this page, you can make settings for publish your map.

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2. You can select the map you want to adjust the settings on here.

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3. You can password protect your map in the Protection section.

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4. The meta tag menu directly affects the appearance of your map in google and similar search engines. Users can get more information about your map from search engines with meta tags and clicks can increase.

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5. Here you can type the name of your map.

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6. Here you can write a description of your map and what you are aiming for.

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7. Here will appear the estimated appearance in search engines.

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8. You can adjust the publish settings here.

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9. Here you can set whether your map is accessible to users. Inactive maps cannot be viewed by users.

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10. Here is the link to your map.

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11. From the shortcuts here, you can share your map from the social media shown.

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12. Here you can make the link to your map more user-friendly. Unlike the complex numbers above, the name you will write in the input here will be used as your map link after saving.

Step 12 image

13. You can add your map to your own website or embed supporting websites with this link.

Step 13 image

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